When I first set out on this journey of writing Christian fiction, I was plagued with many questions about what my goals were. I pride myself on being an educated woman so I began to research published authors, how long it takes to get published, the statistics of becoming published, and just the overall....'what should I expect'?
One of the first articles I read stated that the likely-hood of ever getting a book published is slim to none. Yes, there are a bazillion books out there, but those are an extremely small percentage of books actually written. I think it was somewhere in the 5% range. So, then the question becomes, Why? Why is it so hard to get published? The article went on to say that many people give up. Either they give up on their story and quit before they are finished, or they give up after a few rejections from agents. The article then gave the best advice EVER and it is something I remind myself daily!
It said, (and I'm not quoting just summarizing) If your goal is to become a published author, then you should stop right now and find another career. BUT... if you are writing a story because you feel the need to bring your characters to life and simply because it is something you love to do....then you are a writer and on the right path. It is very unlikely that you will ever get paid or published to write a story, so you mustn't write for those reasons. If you end up not getting published you will feel like you have failed and it was a waste of your time. If you write because you love to and because you feel the need to tell your story, then it is something that you will enjoy no matter what the outcome, and if in the end you do get published, then it will be a wonderful bonus.
So, I carry that with me everyday. This journey can never be about me making money, or becoming famous. In truth the thought of riches and fame simply give me anxiety. Yes, it would be nice to pay off some bills, but I would feel burdened with riches. I know many of you think that sounds crazy. Who doesn't want to be rich? Me! I assure you if I ever did have riches, I would continue to live the same life I lead now, and my riches would go to missions. I know, once again that sounds like a bowl of 'you know what', but anyone who truly knows me, knows that I want very few material things. Life is not about the materials you possess, and greed will strip you of the joy that God has for you.
And as for fame, I most certainly do not desire it! I will most likely use my initials for my novel, and quite possibly an alias name all together. (If it were ever published)
So it is simple...I write because I have amazing stories inside my head that I need to bring to life. I hope these stories will be something my friends and family can enjoy as well, but my GOAL, is simply to honor Christ. I trust him to choose for me the path that my novels take once they are completed. Right now I simply get to enjoy the process of writing them.
Romans 12:2- "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."
I don't want fame either. I just want to express myself. It makes me feel good to do something without money being the reason for it. I hope I get to read something of yours someday!
I will be posting my first chapter soon. If there is any interest online I may post more chapters after that. I would love to have fans/ a following for the story. In truth it is a bit scary to share with friends and family. I will glady ask a stranger what they think, but the idea of sharing with you terrifies me! haha
I was having a tough day today, thinking this is all a waste of time...that I'd have as much luck with a lottery ticket. Then I think of the days when I wrote just for me, for the fun of the tale and I miss those days. Got to keep the love in the face of the rejection. Thanks for that reminder.
God always knows where to send me when I need a pick me up. Thanks!
@Elizabeth-thanks, it means so much to me to know that anything I've written, no matter how minor, could touch someone and brighten their day. Stay tuned, I've got an inspirational post coming soon ;)
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