Okay lets bring out my hangers :)
Genre: YA narrative memoir
Chapter one- I know at any moment he'll kill me.
First one to find my rapist gets to pull the trigger.
Chapter two- I've been sitting in this closet sized room for two hours giving my statement, but it's more like I'm being interrogated.
Somewhere between my sobs and prayers, I find the comfort of sleep.
Chapter three- It's been less than a day since I was kidnapped and raped, and yet I'm expected to function like a normal human being.
Now I know they will never catch the bastard and I have no-one to blame but myself.
Chapter four- It's like this has all been some kind of crazy nightmare.
I am truly alone.
Chapter five- I sit up in bed to the sound of mom calling, "Amber it's time to go to school."
Thank you, God.
Chapter six- When that monster was captured, I went through an entire day of bliss, unafraid.
I have depleted my body, but my mind won’t tire. It allows me no peace. (these sentences belong together or it doesn't exactly make sense)
Chapter seven- Today I meet my attorney.
What kind of evil could do such a thing, repeatedly?
Chapter eight- I'm in Mrs. B.B.'s class, trying to stay awake.
I demanded his respect the day I refused to be groped, and with his humility, in time, he earned mine. (I feel the need to explain, this is a kid at school who got a little grabby, and not my rapist)
Chapter nine- My lawyer turned out to be pretty awesome at her job.
After a few games of kickball, the sky grows dark and it’s time to settle in for the night.
Chapter ten- It has been three days since Jason asked me to read the book of JOB, but I've been putting it off, trying to find anything to do except read the bible.
I will love and respect you.
Chapter eleven- This morning there's a bounce in my step.
Finally I'm at peace.
Chapter twelve- I've survived the school year.
I toss all night with anticipation for the trip to Spain tomorrow.
Chapter thirteen- I hug Sam first, then mom.
“Thank you, Ambar, Oh thank you, thank you, so much! I lub it.” (This is a Spanish friend speaking- hence the accent :)
Chapter fourteen- The smell of Spain is engulfing.
“He is perbect, and jew meet him tonight.” (Same as above- Spanish accent)
Chapter fifteen- Irene's dad pulls to a stop and turns to face us.
I completely forget about the weapons in my purse because I want Pedro close, touching me.
Chapter sixteen- I sleep longer and harder than I have in a long time.
Oh Lord, what have I done?
Chapter seventeen- This morning I rise much easier than the days before.
I link my arm into hers and we walk off to search for more mischief.
Chapter eighteen- It takes me forever to pick out what to wear.
He’s more than I could have ever hoped for.
Chapter nineteen- Irene tells me we're going shopping today.
I’m certain many people go their entire lives and never get to have this.
Chapter twenty- I am officially ruined.
And every night it gets harder and harder to let go of him.
Chapter twenty-one- It's my last twenty-four hours in Spain and all I want to do is cry.
I board the plane with a hole in my chest where my heart is supposed to be.
Chapter twenty-two- Home is not where my heart is.
Who knew my mom was so wickedly awesome?
Chapter twenty-three- Let's face it, everyone falls victim to something at some point in their lives, but so few of us ever fight back.
He stole my youth. Now I’m going to take his future.
Chapter twenty-four- My hands are trembling.
I have an urge to give her a Spanish double kiss, but she wouldn’t understand, so I leave it at a hug.
Chapter twenty-five- "It's time," Mrs. Hammond says, calling me to give my testimony.
In all my wildest hopes and dreams, I have never dared to wish for this. Sixty-six years in prison seems like a punishment handed down straight from God. I lower my head. Thank you, Lord. Thank you for giving me justice. (wanted to share all of this as well- since this is a true story:)
Chapter twenty-six- Eleven years later-
I’m lying in bed just as naked as a jay bird. There isn’t much I own that still fits me. These days I am the size of a house. About the only thing I’m comfortable in is my birthday suit, and it’s fitting, since today is my birthday. I am officially twenty-seven. I also happen to be a whopping thirty-five weeks pregnant.
I always wanted to tell my story, and now I can, because I have my happy ending.
Okay, well there's the line-up of my ms. And basically you have a complete outline :) I figured I'd go ahead and put them all out there :)
Oh my God. Oh my God! First of all, these were incredibly heartbreaking, all hangers and hookers. Your writing is/was incredible, and I would definitely buy this as soon as it comes out. Hell, if you want a beta, I'd read for you. I, too, am glad for the happy ending.
chapter two is great! good idea putting them together
Can't wait to finish reading. It thought each one was very 'hangy' :)
I think my fav is your last one... now I have my happy ending. Yay :) x
I thought your hookers were great when I read them Monday, but now I see your hangers are just as good. I remember where I've seen your query. Matt's blog!
Good luck with the book!!!!
Oh gosh, I totally teared up! Good job!
Yep! Matt's the best! And thanks :)
Thanks so much. It means a lot that people connect with this story :) and I might take you up on the beta thing. I've got 3 friends who aren't writers that wanted to read this b/c of content, but after them you can. I can't have too many opinions at once or I get confused :D
Thanks Jade. I thought it would be fun to write the last chapter as current day, right before I began writing:) I want the reader feeling empowered and happy when they finish the book :)
Your story is amazing! For a million reasons :) #23 is my favorite! Can't get better than that! :)
I was totally mesmerized! To pick a favorite would be hard, but I love the ending because through the darkness, the light won. Happy ending are great, especially in real life:)
Amber, I know someday your story will be out there and people will be touched and helped in a million different ways. So glad you got your happy ending.
As for the hangers, dang they are good!! Thanks for sharing all of them.
WOWSA! Powerful, Amber. Thanks for sharing.
These are all really strong, you have a powerful novel here!
All I can say is, I really, really want to read this book. Isn't this the same one Matthew MacNish featured as a query on The QQQE? I knew then I wanted to read it. But now, I absolutely HAVE to get my hands on this book. Truly awesome!!!!
Also, just so you know, I just re-went through the entire blog hop to re-find your blog because like an idiot, I forgot to follow you yesterday. Again, these were amazingly written. Thank you for sharing.
Yep, this is the one on Matt's blog. He's a query genius! :) and thanks so much for the encouraging comment... I'm really hoping an agent takes notice soon.
Ahaha, that's so sweet that you went through all that trouble. I'm trying to get around to everyone's blogs, when my 2yo gives me a minute :)
Love the hanger for #1, the dark/morbid humour in it, but you had a lot of really good lines :)
This is SO powerful and well written. Wow. That first hanger gave me goosebumps.
Chapter one is just brilliant. Nice job. I also like the Thank you, God - simple but, means so much. Desperate hope!!.
Gosh, sounds like your MS is a bit of an emotional rollercoaster ride!
There were so many great lines, but I think this one was my favourite hanger:
First one to find my rapist gets to pull the trigger.
those are great! really tell us a lot about your ms! sounds intense!
It sounds so powerful. #1 is amazing, and I like #21 too. I'm still up for being a beta reader, if you need any more!!
sweet ending, as I knew it would be :) Thanks, Amber!
Amber, God can only use the broken - love when He puts us back together. Powerful - you are loved :)
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